Transportation & Driving Alternatives for Older Adults

While most people prefer to drive themselves around, as this can provide maximum convenience, there are many other available options, many of which are not just potentially safer, but more affordable as well. The total cost of ownership for a paid-off car, without even being driven, can run over $100/month when accounting for insurance, repairs, and depreciation.

Identifying Alternative Forms of Transportation

As discussed in the myths article of this guide, the following forms of transportation may not be available, suitable, or even safe for many individuals. When in doubt, please consult with qualified advisers.

  • Ride-sharing
  • Carpooling
  • Family members (whether one member or sharing responsibility among members)
  • Members of a local church
  • Local clubs
  • Taxis (some offer senior discounts)
  • Shuttles (increasingly offered by retail shopping stores and centers).
  • Buses and various forms of public transportation.
  • Letting the senior keep their car, to give comfort, but have someone else shuttle them.
  • Walking

Relying on a single or even two methods above is not the only option. Combining several of these approaches is often the most convenient and, if receiving help from others, least burdensome to all parties.

Other Alternatives to Commuting

  • Grocery delivery—becoming more popular, and sometimes free
  • Working with neighbors, friends, and relatives to have them pick up groceries and other items
  • Medication delivery service—offered by some pharmacies
  • Consider moving in with others, such as with family or friends.
  • On-call doctors may not be common anymore, but telehealth services are increasing, and offered with some medical insurance and discount programs.
  • Shopping for household items from catalogs or online.
  • Meal delivery services

Giving up driving may feel inconvenient or even uncomfortable at first, but it may also carry unforeseen benefits as well. Getting used to new situations can be challenging, especially for older drivers who have become accustomed to a certain lifestyle.


Next in this series: Making Adjustments to Extend Driving Abilities

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