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Our purpose is to increase car insurance knowledge for consumers—what it does and how it works. We serve consumers; students, educational institutions; insurance professionals; and the media.
Insurance Rating Variables: What & Why They Matter
Rating variables are basically the characteristics of individual policyholders that can help approximate the cost of their risks…
Recent Articles
New York State Proposes Regulation to Combat Discriminatory Auto Insurance Rates
A proposed regulation could help protect New Yorkers from excessive and unfairly discriminatory auto insurance rates.
Following an investigation, the state Department of Financial Services regulation would prohibit insurers from using an individual’s occupational status or educational level as factors in setting rates, unless the insurer demonstrates to the satisfaction of the superintendent of financial services that the use of those factors does not result in rates that are unfairly discriminatory.

J.D. Power Study on Insurers and Data: A Matter of Trust
As insurance professionals, we’re always talking about harnessing new data streams to improve our products. The benefits are obvious, we tell ourselves – think of the potential to align prices with real risks! But sometimes, we also need to ask ourselves: do our customers actually want us to use these data? Do they like the idea of us scouring their social media footprints to help price their insurance coverage?
A recent J.D. Power survey asks exactly these questions – and found that we have a long way to go before our customers get comfortable with their personal insurance company collecting troves of their…

Insurtech Funding Reaches $4.4 Billion to Date in 2019, Blowing Past Full-Year 2018
Insurtech funding levels, reaching almost $4.4 billion in worldwide funding commitments through three quarters of the year, has already surpassed the 2018 full-year total, Willis Towers Watson announced Wednesday.
According to the new Quarterly InsurTech Briefing published by the global advisory, broking and solutions company, the $4.4 billion total deployed to insurtech companies across 239 transactions, marks a 5 percent increase from the total dollar amount of investment in all of 2018.

Insurance Terminology
motor vehicle insurance coverage (including collision, vandalism, fire and theft) that insures against material damage to the insured’s vehicle. Commercial is defined as all motor vehicle policies that include vehicles that are used in connection with business, commercial establishments, activity, employment, or activities carried on for gain or profit.
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